Monday, May 19, 2008

Catch up: Communities and Communication

I have been sooo busy lately that I’ve wound up sick in bed...Doesn’t it always happen at the most crucial time in the semester..right when you have 100 assignments due and exams in 2 weeks! My blogs are in dire need of an update..Although I’ve been publishing about once a week (sometimes every bad!) sometimes they aren’t always on the topic of the week...I tend to go off on my own tangent sometimes! So I’m doing some catch ups.

Today I wanted to talk about week 4’s topic, Communities and Communication.
I wanted to touch on my own personal experiences in this topic. So here goes...
I have never really been big on chat rooms or virtual games etc. As I’ve said in previous blogs, I tend to use cyber communities as a way of keeping in touch rather than making new friends. I tend to be more reserved online...In conversation I am not so open and don’t like to leak REALLY personal information, I’m quite weary of who can read what I am writing. Being an emotive person I find it really hard to express myself totally. There are however the little pictures and things that have helped people express their feelings but more often than not I find that people are always using smiley faces and those little cheesy tongues sticking out or big grins (bebo is renowned for these!) seems in every conversation everyone includes 10 cheesy little faces and ‘love you xxxx’ at the end, regardless to who they are writing to! And yes, I am guilty of doing this sometimes too but It all just seems a bit fake to me...I personally feel that interactive communities limit expression and emotion...It is all compacted to fit the icons that are available. I’m really big on intuition and reading people’s faces, body language and tone of voice...Something that I find I can’t do with cyber communication; I think I am more open and express myself differently in person. Everyone for themselves though! For someone who is being quite critical of cyber communication, I do use the interactive programs very regularly. Perhaps it’s that nosy streak in me...being able too see what other people are up to! I think we all have it in us...


Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the limit of expression an emotion. I am known to be quite sarcastic at times which can be quite hard to express in text.

Can make things complicated. I have noticed the extensive use of emoticons aswell, where will the madness end ;-)

danalumsden said...

I defintly understand your dislike for the "love you xxx" ending thing to every bebo or facebook wall post.. especially when its from people you dont really know that well its a thing from high school i though would have phased out by now!
I too prefere face to face conversations but probably because like bozza my sarcasm has been misundertood on several awkward occasions!
I guess what these networking sites allow for is people to speak to people they wouldnt usually wouldnt i know there are a huge amount of people i wouldnt have contact with if it wernt for facebook!