Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last blog!!!

Self and Cyborg...my thoughts...

It is probably unstoppable that technology is going to develop so far that yes we will have ‘chips’ or ‘cards’ installed in us that information can be instantly taken from. When I first read the lecture notes I did ponder on Privacy...surely this could be easily breached if the chips existed readily in society, but after reading Dana’s recent blog about Thursday’s seminar, I believe that such issues could be somewhat overcome! I think that the idea of having a ‘cheque’ and ‘savings’ account within these devices in a good idea. I do however have to question what I would actually put into these categories! Yes name and date of birth, drivers license etc are important pieces of information but imagine these being in the ‘cheque’ account and being readily available to the public. Imagine walking into a shop and the shop assistant saying ‘Hello Michaela’ ... Some people may like the personal touch of it but I think it would freak me out. Maybe if I had formed a relationship with the shop assistant it would be ok for her to address me by my name but a stranger? No thanks! A similar example could be used for medical information...surely someone with epilepsy wouldn’t want to be walking along the street and having every man and his dog knowing of their medical condition! But then I suppose on the other hand if emergency struck and the individual had an epileptic fit then it would help emergency staff or any public assisting them to know of the condition! Possibly there could be a switch or remote? To turn off the chip or change over information from one account to another when it suits you!!

I have found in this class I have been thinking very futuristically (is that a word)...so many what if’s, what if this technology developed, what would happen here, there and everywhere! So many pro’s and con’s...things to toss and turn over! It’s been fun...stimulates the mind 

Thanks for reading guys and I’ve enjoyed reading all of the different posts and comments. Good luck for the exam, and Erika, I hope it’s not too hard!

1 comment:

erika said...

re: the exam - i make no promises :) (insert evil cackling here)