Tuesday, May 27, 2008


In week 6 we looked at Blogging. I thought therefore it was fitting for me to offer some of my own blogging experiences – I’m not an avid participant in posting, but I’ll often read!

I have a really strong interest in fashion and often frequent fashion blogging sites or magazine websites such as U.K’s ‘Glamour Magazine’ to read the weekly blog that the editor releases. I find the exercise of ‘blogging’ handy. For someone deeply interested in the industry and ultimately seeking it as a career I find blogging to be a leading service for the fashion and clothing industry. Those with a passion AND opinion can come together and release thoughts, give tips, and debate! Yes, I do read fashion magazines, but reading blogs regularly keeps me up to the season, not the commercial release season – trust me they are VERY different. For someone aiming to edit a magazine one day, I find Jo Elvin’s (editor of Glamour U.K) blog very insightful. No other way would I be able to gain such insight into the job and industry that I desire!

Something else I have been tracking through blogs is the American Candicy race. For some unbeknown reason I have a real interest in this upcoming election...could be something to do with a woman running for presidency? Anywho, you’ll often find me snooping on ‘The Spectator’ – US Election blogging site. The vast variety of opinion and strong points debated are crazy! No where else could people from such different backgrounds with different life experiences come together and not only give their side of the story but consider different opinions. It’s also a great way to keep up to date with the most recent election info! Someone always seems to be updating!

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