Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hackers, freedom fighters?

Well I am currently sitting on the couch watching a documentary about Tom Cruise, personally can’t stand the guy since he jumped on Oprah’s couch. Anyway he’s a wee bit boring so thought I’d have a flick through the recent comments posted about hacking. Intense technology, like the little gits and gadgets of the internet never really interested me but this morning’s class somewhat changed that! I’m so interested in this whole hacking theme…How do they gain the skill and knowledge to get into the itsy bitsy wee corners of cyberspace!!! So, I was reading Nicole’s blog relating to hackers being classed as modern freedom fighters or a new age terrorists…

In regards to the view of hackers as freedom fighters:

I believe society needs some sort of boundaries and hierarchy for successful flow. Without boundaries and rules in place the world would be a huge communist society. New Zealand, a democratic country, runs successfully because we have ‘boundaries’ or ‘laws’ so to speak in place, (even if I don’t necessarily agree with the current gvmt, but that’s totally another subject). If hackers ‘crack in’ and gain unlimited access to any material, be it company, government or personal information they are breaking the boundaries that make up our society. Imagine if they got in and accessed your bank account details or a large company’s new business plan; it’s a breach of privacy. Nicole’s right when she says people need to display their moral obligation and act responsibly in cyberspace, black hat hackers don’t seem to respect these boundaries. Yes, some hackers do have good reason, for example in our first reading by R.Kitchen we are taught that the first computers were massive machines originally developed to crack Nazi war codes – these people I would class as ‘freedom fighters’ but there has to be a limit. Possibly harsher penalties for black hat hacking? But then I guess this form of crime is sometimes VERY hard to catch! Any thoughts?

OK now bed time! Untill next time…



erika said...

Hi Michaela - wow, I wish I was this coherent and thoughtful right before bed :) You raise some really interesting points - something to bring to class for further discussion I think (unless you're checking your blog after class, in which case - did we discuss this and come up with anything further to add??)

Somewhat-Thoughtful said...

Hey Michaela, you say "Without boundaries and rules in place the world would be a huge communist society". Surely this is a contradiction? The idea of capitalist globalisation is to remove all rules and let the market work it's magic so in effect we do have no boundaries. Communism is there to protect the interests of the soverign state against the power of market forces (well ok, not entirely but sort of) like Chavez is doing in Venezuela and is happening somewhat in china through information control and suppression in order to maintain soverignty in the face of an overriding golbal (read: western/popular) culture. ALso regarding your desire for security, have you considered the possibility that every possible piece of information could be free and the self-moderating effects of this? what if because everything was availble, someone would be so scared to touch your bank details because you had equal access to yours? This is far-fetched (there's too much potential for error) but something to consider!

and i agree about tom cruise haha